5 Things to Keep in Mind While Creating an Image-based Survey

Image-based surveys are a great way to capture the attention of your target audience and make them fill out your survey. However, you should keep a few things in mind while creating an image-based survey to ensure that it is efficient and has a high response rate. Check out these 5 important things below:

1. Give Context

Whether your image-based survey is about user experience or marketing materials, respondents need to understand what you are asking them to evaluate. Make sure the introduction to your survey sets up the context for your pictures and what you’re looking to learn from them. You want people viewing your images to be able to give feedback based on their personal experiences and preferences.

2. Use High-Quality Images

Don’t just grab any image from the web. You need to ensure that you use high-quality and relevant images for your survey. Using low-quality images will only lead to weak results and alarming response rates. When it comes to stock photos, always choose those of high quality and relevant to your survey.

3. Optimize the Images

Once you have selected the right image for your survey, make sure you optimize it before using it in your survey. You need to ensure that the file size is small enough not to affect the loading time of your survey. If possible, try to reduce the file size by at least half so it loads quickly on all devices, including mobile, and doesn’t take up much bandwidth.

4. Avoid Using More than 5 Images for Each Question

Make sure that each question has only five images and if possible, avoid using more than five images per question as it might distract your respondents from answering the questions.

5. Test the Survey Before Sending it Out

Before you send out your survey, test it first and see if everything works fine or not. This includes checking whether all images load as expected, whether or not the survey is responsive, etc. Image-based surveys tend to be larger than text-based ones and therefore take a little more time to load than usual. Check if this is affecting the performance of your survey in any way or not.

Wrapping Up

Creating a survey requires a lot of work and planning. It’s easy to get lost in the process and forget what your priorities should be. These five things will help you stay on track while creating a highly effective survey with a high response rate.

If you are looking for a reliable platform to create surveys, check out a plethora of online surveys available at Xcel Online Surveys. Each survey takes around 5-10 minutes. The platform takes care of your security and makes sure you have a hassle-free experience. You can also win exciting gift vouchers and cash prizes once you are done creating a survey. 
