7 Challenges of a Survey Taker and How to Avoid Them?

Surveys can be attempted for various reasons and purposes. You could be providing genuine feedback on a product, service, or brand or being a prominent member of a survey-taking group. Survey taking has important implications which affect both the survey-maker and the survey-taker. You could be required to take practical, cultural, brand oreinted, fundraising, telemarketing, etc., surveys. The data collected through surveys is critical, and you need to be highly knowledgeable and skilled to respond to questions more accurately.

Points to remember as a survey-taker

Have you ever wondered what went wrong and how you can overcome issues while taking surveys online? Xcel-Online Surveys is a pioneer site that offers reasonable offers to fill surveys and get paid. It addresses the challenges faced by survey-takers and provides a resolution for the same.

You are not alone in this; many survey-takers are going through the same obstruction. This applies to all surveys, including in-app surveys, website surveys, and phone surveys.

Before attempting online surveys, be transparent, reliable, and get into actionable decision-making insights. You should respond with high-quality data, and it should be easier to fill out.

Survey-takers may have to go through the following:

  • Questions with multiple answers
  • Questions about a like/dislike scale
  • Questions about the rating scale
  • Ranking Questions
  • Dropdown questions

Technology makes many tasks more straightforward, but it’s not certain. Learn in advance how to avoid research and survey-taking mistakes. There was a time when survey-makers had to hire a research company to do what survey-takers are doing today.

7 Survey-Taker Challenges

When you attempt or take a survey, you may get hassled by a few challenges. You need to be alert to these challenges and changes. Here is an overview of some significant challenges you may face while conducting a survey answer or survey research.

1. Questions are confusing or misleading

If the survey questions are not specific or targeted, it becomes difficult for the surveyer to take time to answer them effectively. Usually, if you get confused by the question, you may skip it, which destroys the whole purpose of attempting surveys.
Solution – Xcel-Online surveys recommend you go through some research work before attempting confusing questions. Look for reliable information, but make sure you try every question.

2. Questions are too subjective

Sometimes, too much space can make it difficult for you to quantify through analysis. While it may be quite fruitful for the brands or survey-makers to obtain free-form or open-ended responses, it can get difficult for a survey-taker to analyze responses. For example, if you are asked to describe your experience, you may have difficulty gathering the right words to submit your response.
Use a qualitative approach and submit a more meaningful and in-depth answer to the question. This can be time-consuming, so take your time and don’t answer in a hurry.

3. Questions are too objective

Contrary to point 2, there could be a yes/no or true/false kind of question which needs to be elaborated on or explained further. You may face a multiple-choice response option and no opportunity to clarify your answers. For example, you may be given four choices of features of a product, and you may be asked to pick the best one. There are several reasons why a particular part is essential when making a purchase decision.
It’s essential to give feedback to companies looking to improve their products or enhance their marketing message.

4. The survey is too long

The survey is too long and has too many questions. Everyone in this world is busy, and there is a huge possibility that, as a survey-taker, you may get lost in all these questions and eventually turn it off.
You can submit your feedback on that, but fill the survey in bits and policies again. Leaving the survey mid-way is undoubtedly not recommended. Keep your patience and keep trying, simultaneously filling the feedback sheet about the excessive length of the survey.

5. Technological issues

You may be a novice and not very prudent or experienced in taking surveys. A slight technological glitch can put you off and shut off the survey you are trying to attempt. Make sure you contact the support team of the required service. Xcel-Online surveys have a couple of professionals and experts who are always at the service of survey-takers to resolve such issues on a real-time basis.

6. Surveys are too boring

Yes! Surveys being too monotonous can be a big issue, which completely puts you off the track and distracts you from completing the survey. If you want to improve the survey-taking rate of your profile, if you want to share relevant feedback and provide better service, use the correct words and quickly fill out the survey. Ask yourself the questions loudly and make them interesting for yourself.

7. The survey is not personalized

It is quite simple for a survey-taker to answer personalized questions, as you don’t have to think twice before attempting answers. On the contrary, general questions can tire you, and you may end up doing loads of research on various topics that you are completely unaware of.
Personalization leads to success in the digital world and is a crucial aspect. Survey participants may not know the answer to every generalized question. If you are forced to answer all the questions, you can also give the wrong answer.
Such practice should be discouraged.


Xcel Online Surveys proposes the following tips and tricks to resolve these challenges. It would be best to start by defining your objectives for filling out online surveys. Keep that in mind while attempting each survey. Surveys can carry an incentive for you, which should not be ignored. Understand the purpose of the questionnaire and keep your patience in answering every question. Do your research well, as every answer you submit will have a strong influence on the results of this study. Try taking surveys at Xcel-Online Surveys and judge how easy and rewarding it can be to take surveys online.
