How to ensure respondent quality in online research?

As quoted by John Ruskin, “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.”

When we talk about research, the first thing that hits us is the delivery of high-quality, reliable, and accurate insights. But, with the ever-changing research landscape paving way for online research, the associated risks and glitches by the fraudsters are the underlying issues in disguise. While the right questions remain an important element of good research, the right person remains at the heart of good research. Keeping track of whether the data being generated is good or bad is important to ensure insights of proficient capacity. Though there are indicators to assess the responses, how does one secure this obstinate level of respondent quality?

Top tips for improving survey quality by ensuring that the right person is interviewed:

Established Panel Providers:  Partnering with global panel providers who have strict quality rules is a good attempt in ensuring the quality of respondents. From using fingerprinting technologies to captcha and email verifications, the global panel providers maintain their well-established stature. 

Double Screening: Before permitting the respondents to participate in a specific study, it is important to enquire again about the demographic and psychographic status to ascertain the responses are compatible and consistent.

Human Monitoring: Getting the professionals involved is what warrants that the qualitative quality of data will be preserved. Having the respondents monitored and reviewed by trained and skilled experts, it can be ascertained whether the data being generated is acceptable for further analysis and interpretation. The respondents who do not match the high level of engagement and create doubts or irregularities, shall be removed.

Daily Data Assessments: It is important that the data sets are reviewed on everyday basis to make sure that the critical information as shared by the respondents. This is something that should become a daily ritual while a survey is live in the field. Data sets must be reviewed as often as possible to confirm that the respondents are providing valuable and insightful information that aligns with your research objectives.

Inspect Multiple Choice Questions & Answers: It is important to tag a respondent as sceptical if the participant picks all answer options, especially while screening questions, or selects one or two answer options in all multiple-choice questions throughout the survey.

Identify Straight-lining or Patterning: It is advisable to watch out for respondents who are straight-lining and rushing through a survey, checking-in the duplicate responses every time. 

Include some open-ended questions in panel questionnaires: It is astounding to find out how people check themselves out when posed with an open-ended question. The intent for the incentive then becomes obvious as their laziness puts them out for copy-pasting the answers.

Look at the time it takes people to complete an online interview: To discover authentic and legitimate respondents, the trick is to ascertain the time. When you plan a survey, you usually have an idea of the average time that would be required. If the respondent completes the survey in half the time of the average, its time to throw the interview and secure replacements.

Improve respondent quality with XOS

Xcel Online Survey ensures the highest level of respondent quality. From monitoring the recruitment process of the respondents to qualitative and technology checks, we use advanced techniques to evaluate data quality and validate respondents on an individual level. We build quality checks into every survey and our expert panel team assesses respondents and the responses to spot the unqualified answers that could distort your data.

Following a systematic and consistent respondent quality assurance procedure will accord maximum confidence in results and assure the key findings revealed directly caters to your consumer’s needs.
