Researchers are constantly looking for ways to up their game to get more excellent, more incisive results in their studies. The research methodology they employ plays a significant role in determining the scope, and therefore, the study results. Ideally, a researcher would want to target the whole population, but that seems to be impossible. However, several techniques have been developed over the years to make surveys much more inclusive.
Technology has had a tremendous influence on how surveys are conducted and on whom. Traditional surveys have mostly been pushed out or relegated to be used in only a few cases, primarily related to development studies, where the respondents might not have access to online resources and might not fill in forms. But when it comes to market research and analysis, online surveys rule the roost.
The following are a few reasons why online surveys have gained significant traction in recent times:
1. Faster
One thing that stands out at first glance is that online surveys are tremendously quicker to conduct than traditional surveys. Traditional surveys require researchers or volunteers to physically go out into the field and take each study by themselves, which, as one can imagine, can be an extremely tedious activity. On the other hand, online surveys are sent to the sample population almost instantly, and they can fill them out quickly. Since the researcher does not need to go out and get the questionnaire filled out by each respondent one after another, responses are received relatively quickly.
It has been observed that online surveys take, on average, approximately one-third of the time that a formal research study might take. Plus, more than half the responses are collected in three days only.
2. Cheaper
Another massive upside of online surveys is that they’re not heavy on the researcher’s pocket. Traditional surveys, as mentioned above, require researchers to venture into the field. In addition, if the scope of the study is geographically vast, the researcher may need the help of volunteers. All of this can rack up the costs of conducting the survey.
On the other hand, online surveys require no more than a stable internet connection and a laptop. The researcher seldom needs to step out, therefore saving a lot on costs.
3. Lower Margin of Error
Online surveys tend to reduce the risk of human error significantly. More often than not, there can be found errors on the part of the volunteer or researcher regarding recording responses. If the interview is telephonic, there can be a language issue, and things can also get lost in transmission. Online surveys surmount this hurdle by putting the onus of filling in the responses on the respondents.
4. Safety
Since the data in online surveys is stored on cloud storage, it is relatively safer than the data stored in analog format. Researchers and volunteers can misplace survey forms, or they can get contaminated in various ways. With online surveys, the researcher can store the data on cloud storage and access it from anywhere, via any machine. Backing up online data also takes barely a few minutes, whereas backing up written data can take some time.
5. Easy Analytics and Visualization
Even after traditional surveys, researchers tend to enter the data collected into the computer to run analyses on it in some form of a worksheet. With online surveys, this time-consuming step of data entry can be eliminated, and one can access data in readily available, editable Excel workbooks. This makes it a lot easier to run analysis, visualize data in various forms, and draw out quick inferences.
6. Can Target a Diverse Sample
The traveling capacity of the researcher limits traditional surveys. One cannot expect a person, or even a team of persons, to cover a substantial demographic spread widely over the geography. A well-funded researcher might be able to pull this off, but it would be very costly. But if the research is conducted online, it can quickly include a diverse sample, spread virtually all over the world, which can render the study much richer in terms of its findings.
Online surveys are, in every way, better and more efficient than traditional surveys to administer and measure for large populations. They offer unique logistical and academic advantages that their on-ground counterparts cannot. It is faster, cheaper, and safer to take a study online, and it provides a more diverse sample for the survey takers. It should not be difficult to make a choice!